Apply the concepts of Semiotics to analysing your productions:
The choices you made when you constructed your AS and A2 products may have been deliberate but some of them may have also been subconscious.
Look again at your AS and A2 products and make thorough and detailed notes about the processes you used to construct them. Apply this to your film, supporting products, your AS music magazine and double page spread.
Your notes could be bullet points to begin with but when you come to write about your work in the exam you will need to apply this theory to your work.
Ask yourself questions like:
•Why did I frame the shots, stills and/or film in the way that I did.
•Why did I edit structure the editing in the way that I did? What meaning did this convey?
•What effects did I use (again apply this to both your AS and A2 productions)
•What related meanings does your production communicate to the audience by for example the use of black and white, editing effects like torn edges, split screens, colour correction, colour filters, colour mixers, transitions.
•Does the use of some of these effects index some meaning beyond the obvious for the audience.
You will need to open up your project again and examine the layers in detail otherwise your essays will have a very general feel and will most likely fail to pick up important marks when writing about your work.
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